A Guide on Hereditary Diabetes
Diabetes is a leading health problem which is now becoming a serious concern for health departments over the world. Different countries have different standards and health institutions that guide their General population about diabetes and how to prevent it. Recent research has proven that diabetes is now one of the most popular chronic diseases that is contributing to a high mortality rate. Two of the most trusted institutions in diabetes prevention and control namely, the American Diabetes Association and the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention have claimed that over 20 million people in America are affected by diabetes each year. This terrifying data puts more pressure on further education of people about the prevention of diabetes.
One of the major factors about which the health professionals Guide the general population is that people should avoid such lifestyles that can cause diabetes or they should take proactive measures which can ensure their health security. For example, health professionals most of the time recommend that diabetic individuals should shift from a non-diabetic diet to a low carbohydrate diet so that the overall consumption of carbohydrates can be reduced which is the risk factor of their diabetes.
Although most of the factors that could worsen the disease and let it become uncontrollable can be controlled by proper diet, exercise, appropriate rest and some lifestyle changes, one factor that is beyond modification are genes. The last decade of research has provided very conclusive results that genes play a very significant role in the occurrence as well as worsening of diabetes.
The role of genetics in the incidence of diabetes is not considered its risk factor but it is the main reason for diabetes in most people. Genetics has given solid results on the fact that people who face diabetes most of the time had one of their elder family members already being affected by diabetes. Another factor that has been revealed in recent times is that new offsprings are more likely to get diabetes if this disease is already present in the family.
This article will explore how genes play a significant role in the incidence of diabetes and will also provide tips that will help diabetic individuals to manage their condition.
Diabetes is defined as an autoimmune disorder that causes serious health concerns and if not managed properly can cause death. That is why adopting a healthy lifestyle is very important in controlling this condition so that death can be avoided.
Genetic researchers are of the view that diabetes belongs to the iceberg phenomenon of the disease. This phenomenon states that only a few individuals are diagnosed as diabetic patients While the vast majority of individuals remain undiagnosed and are genetically compromised. While it is common that people usually don’t consider normal diabetic signs as serious at the start of the disease. Individuals only start to worry about their condition when their health becomes worse and negatively affected by the disease process that makes their financial, physical and mental life completely disturbed. That is why Diabetes is usually diagnosed at a later stage of the disease.
Now that enough proofs are available that diabetes is a genetic disorder, it does not mean that those individuals will surely get diabetes. It is due to the reason that diabetes-associated genes are present in a genetically compromised individual from birth but are only triggered when certain environmental factors, as well as a nutritional stimulus, initiate them. This theory is backed by several statistical analyses that proved not every inherited compromised gene is causing the incidence of diabetes. The major factors that are determined to trigger these genes are environment, diet, and lifestyle factors.
Large-scale studies conducted in government institutions like the American Diabetes Association and The Central Disease Control Have also proved that inheritability is only a genetic condition that will lead to diabetes only at the expense of non-genetic factors. Several risk factors should be present in a genetically predisposed individual for disease incidence. For example, a genetically predisposed Type-2 Diabetic individual Will only get diabetes when lifestyle factors such as more consumption of sugar are involved. Through research, It is also concluded that it is very rare for a non-genetically predisposed individual to develop diabetes.
Some researchers have tried to extract the pattern of lifestyle that is usually associated with triggering diabetes. The resulted pattern they were able to obtain through studies includes Poor dieting then the excessive consumption of sugar concentrated foods, the lack of exercise and the excessive intake of carbonated drinks are the reasons that are triggering the genetic mutations for the incidence of diabetes.
Individuals with genetic mutations are more likely to develop the disease and also transfer it to the upcoming offspring. Different scientific studies are now proving the fact that any individual born into a family with diabetes has a much higher risk of getting the condition than other individuals. Also, the individuals born later in the family have more altered genes as compared to the earlier individuals, so the latter are also more at risk of developing diabetes than earlier family members.
Experts say that all genes that are responsible for maintaining the sugar levels inside the body are ones that when get mutated are responsible for the incidence of type 2 diabetes. The major genes responsible for inherited diabetes are:
– Genes that are associated with insulin production and its degradation.
– Genes associated with several metabolic pathways of glucose production.
– Genes that are responsible for maintaining and recognizing blood glucose levels.
Now the particular set of genes responsible for diabetes that all the studies on genetic diabetes have been able to find is as follows:
TCF7L2 Influences the production of glucose and insulin secretion
CAPN10 This gene is connected to the risk of type 2 diabetes in Mexican Americans.
ABCC8 This gene is responsible for insulin management
GCGR Helps in the regulation of glucose
GLUT2 Responsible for glucose transport to the pancreas
HNF4A Manages glucose in the pancreas and liver
KCNJ11 Responsible for insulin release
PIK3R1 Responsible for insulin signalling
PPARG Manage differentiation of fat cells
LPL Responsible for breaking down fats
Ethnicity is a direct consequence of Genetics. Familiar genes of a specific geographical area after equal mutation results in the production of a particular ethnicity. This particular differentiation of people provides a bigger picture of the reason why some races and individuals are more likely to get diabetes than others.
The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney diseases have suggested that those people who are overweight or obese are at a much higher risk of getting diabetes than those people who are underweight or are at a normal weight. This institution has also suggested that certain ethnic groups are more likely at risk of getting diabetes if their body mass index goes above 25. While other ethnic groups are obese yet they’re not at the risk of developing type two diabetes such as American Indians, Alaska natives, Latinos, Hispanics, and native Hawaiians. While African-American and Hispanic people are more at risk of developing type one diabetes. American Indians, Alaska Natives, and African-Americans are more at risk of developing type two diabetes. American Indian, Alaska Native, African-American, and Hispanic people usually are in the pre-diabetic phase. Gestational diabetes is more common in American Indians, African-Americans, Alaska natives, and pacific islanders.
These several tests can be used to identify if you are genetically predisposed to diabetes:
– Genetic Test (Ancestry Test)
– Body Mass Index (BMI) Test
– High Blood Pressure Test
Some Tips to Prevent Diabetes:
1. Start exercising
2. Eat Healthily according to a balanced diet plan
3. Use Nutritious snacks to cope the hunger.
4. Drink water instead of Beverages
5. Do not Smoke
6. Work on a weight loss program
All the Above discussions through facts have concluded one thing diabetes is surely a genetic disease. Mostly it affects those people that inherit mutated genes from their parents. After inheritance, these mutated genes must be triggered by certain lifestyle factors to initiate the disease process. Although genetic inheritance can be stopped, the outburst of disease can be halted by adopting certain changes that are mentioned above in this article.
For self-measurement of blood glucose, ForaCare offers comprehensive diabetes self-care solutions. Among which is the FORA 6 series. The FORA 6 series is equipped with our revolutionary System In a Chip technology, which allows the measurement of multiple parameters in a single device. Thus giving you access to all the information you need to make the right medical decisions.
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